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AI-based water recommendation service. Water Sommelier

A glass of water for me,
Start today!

The best time to drink water and let you
know the appropriate intake

Like we breathe every day, water every day
Drinking consistently is important for your health.
The water sommelier is based on expert research
It tells you the proper amount of water intake and time of the day, It even manages weight changes.

150 bottled water
around the world The tasting notes and ingredient information
give it to you

Analysis of various nutritional ingredients contained in each bottled water, It goes well with water that's good for your body and the taste of water It also tells you the best food pairing information.

Based on deep learning technology AI water sommelier will teach you
Water recommendation for me

AI Water Sommelier is based on learning data recommend the best bottled water for my TPO. ※ TPO : Time, Place, Occation

Pinot Lab AI Water sommelier
passed the water sommelier qualification test

We developed an AI water sommelier, an agent using LLM (GPT),
to achieve test pass scores and improve scores by approximately 30% over ChatGPT.

Download the app, and find the right water for your body!

The water sommelier is joined by water experts.